Mona Williams
Unity in God's House
This day admonishes believers to keep the unity in our fellow churches. This is possible through God's spirit working in us to cultivate a life of Love. Here are six ways to assist us in achieving this task according to Rick Warren:
1. Focus on what we have in common, not our differences. As Christians we share in the Love of Christ which has granted us all eternal life. Unity is achieved as we grow spiritually by helping one another become more like Christ, which is our duty and our purpose. There is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism. (Ephesians 4:5) As we work on our commonality of keeping the main thing the main thing - God.
2. Be realistic in your expectations. No one is perfect or superior, but God the Father and his son, Jesus Christ. We all have been given different gifts and callings. We all fall short on a daily basis. We are not to get bent out of shape when people or ourselves don't measure up to God expectations. During those times we are to go to him in prayer. We are to repent when we do wrong, no matter how insignificant the sin may seem. (1 John 1:8,9)
3. Refuse to listen to gossip. This is a biggie here! I'm guilty of it too. Focus on the facts about what's being said, give good sound advice if needed, and pray for the situation. Sometimes God allows us to here gossip so that we can pray for that person or situation. If this is an area you struggle in pray to God to help you become better at not gossiping and more praying.
4. Choose to encourage rather than criticize. We are not to judge each other. There is only one judge, the Righteous Judge - God. The bible says the same things we judge others for we also do. (Romans 2:1) This means we judge then commit that same act! We are to focus on helping others become what God wants them to be and accomplish. Don't be a side liner, judging, murmuring, and complaining while sitting doing nothing. The side liner is on the side lines because they are for later use, the best start the game, the side liners help finish the game. God has a position for all of us to play. We are all on the same team - #TEAMJESUS!
5. Practice God's method for conflict resolution. We are to resolve conflict by going to the person in whom we are in conflict with for reconciliation. If that does not work the bible tells us to go get at least two people to accompany us and try again and if this doesn't work take the situation to the church. Notice the steps of progression here, God is always wanting unity. He is always wanting believers to get along at all times. To share in the bond of peace and love. He is always wanting us to Protect Our Church.
6. Support your pastor and leaders. Again no one is perfect. Being a leader is a big responsibility especially a spiritual leader. We are help more accountable that other believers. Keep us lifted in prayer always. We are not aware of the many attacks encountered just because of the call and work we have to accomplish on behalf of God's people. We are in place to help the parishioners grow and become what God intends for them to be. That's our aim and mission being part of the local church. Let's not badger, complain, or criticize, let's get to the business of supporting our pastors and leaders in anyway possible, but always through prayer.
Verse to Remember: "Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the growth of our fellowship together." Romans 14:19 (Ph)
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