Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day 9 - What Makes God Smile?

Julie Escareno

What Makes God Smile?

This day is about what makes God smile. We as God’s children should know that our purpose in life is to please him, but how? The most vivid example would be the life of Noah. In this time everyone lived for their own pleasures, not God’s. 

From Noah’s life we learn five acts of worship that make God smile. 

1) God smiles when we love him supremely. 
Noah always put God first because he loved him more than anything. The most important thing God ever wants with us is a relationship. Everything he has ever done has been for us because he loves us. It is important we learn to love God and be loved by him. 

2) God smiles when we trust him completely.
When God told Noah to build the ark, Noah trusted him without a doubt. There was, however three problems that could have made most people doubt God; One Noah had never seen rain, he lived hundreds of miles away from any ocean to move the boat and how was he supposed to care for all these animals. 

3) God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly. 
God gave Noah very detailed instructions, before building the ark. Noah did exactly as told; he obeyed him wholeheartedly. This means doing whatever God asks without reservation or hesitation. Many times people pick and choose how to be obedient to God; however to be partially obedient is the same as being disobedient. An act of obedience is also an act of worship.

4) God smiles when we praise and thank him continually. 
God smiles when we express our adoration and gratitude to him. Noah continually expressed his gratitude to God. As it says in Plasms 116:17 “We praise God for who he is, and we thank God for what he has done.” Just as we are thankful to others for doing things for us, God also wants us to feel that way about him. 

5) God smiles when we use our abilities. 
God made each and every one of us in our own special way. Everyone has different talents and abilities. For example, some people are talented in sports, while others are talented in music. God purposely did this for his own enjoyment. He enjoys watching every detail of our lives. Every act of enjoyment becomes an act of worship when you thank God for it.

Nowadays many people are mistaken by living for the pleasure of them and not for God. God has always just wanted us to be more like Noah. He wants us to love him, to trust him, to obey him, to praise him and to use our abilities because he made us each in his own unique way. 

Verse to remember: “The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love.” Psalm 147: 11 (CEV)

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