Thursday, January 14, 2016

10 Lessons Learned in 2015

Tamrah Barber

Tamrah has allowed me to share her Facebook post on Ten Lessons I have learned this past year...Thanks so much.

  1. Life is an experience and whatever I experience can have my emotions all over the place. I ultimately get to choose my response to every event in my life and look at it as a neutral event...neither good nor bad. Learn from it and grow from it. Then letting those emotions pass right through me. Not holding on to negative emotions or positive either for that matter. #Choice
  2. Community is created by people that are willing to connect at the deepest levels, where authenticity is present. It cannot and will not grow in an environment of shallowness, clicks, and surface relationships. #NoMasks
  3. Diversity is an example of God's creativity and breadth of His imagination. I will embrace it and live a life that represents a stand for diversity. It amazes me that Sunday is the most segregated day of the week. #diversityIScreative
  4. Life is precious. Live it wisely doing things that matter most. Your passions, dreams, service to others - giving. #vision
  5. Trust is intentional. I started a journey several years ago completing transformational trainings that literally gave me the tools to get my life back in alignment with my purpose. It has been the most challenging, life transforming, and empowering work I have ever done for myself. I trusted my dear friend and as a result I have created an amazing life that I am enjoying like never before! Even with the ups and downs, life is amazing. I have my brother back, an amazing marriage, successful kids, Extreme Teen Leaders was birthed, abundance, love, and multiple promotions and raises.  #nocultsjusthardwork
  6. Love AND Commitment support a healthy relationship. It is ultimately what you are committed to that shows up in your life and your relationships. #resultsdontlie
  7. Time is more valuable than money. In my last hour, I doubt that I would ask God for more money. I would definitely ask for more time...#Goodsteward
  8. A promise kept is more valuable than any diamonds or pearls. #integrity
  9. I am source for a transformed world. If I am expecting a change in this world, it must start with me. #source
  10. Saving the best for last...God is real. Time and time again, my experiences have confirmed the presence of a higher power, the Creator, one whose image I am created from. I am a part of a grander scheme and what I call forth that is in alignment with that shall come to pass. It must. I choose to believe and am unashamed. I will respect and pray for those who don't make this choice. #JesusIsReal2Me

About Tamrah: She is the President of Extreme Teen Leaders where she works collaboratively with a staff of over 20 volunteers managing a non-profit organization focused on youth leadership development. The organization offers five core programs to meet the needs of youth in the community. These include LIFEtracks Mentoring, XTL Sports Club, Xtreme Leadership, Xtreme Math & Science, and Xtreme Music & Arts. Follow her on Twitter by clicking

© 2016 by Tamrah Barber. All Rights Reserved.

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