Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The O in PURPOSE = Obtain! 

The Webster dictionary defines: to gain or get (something) usually by effort: succeed: prevail

Persevering to be useful, makes you resolute in your progression to OBTAIN your destined purpose. In staying focused, committed, and consistent you will attain the end product of purpose, which is obtaining your true calling. Attainment is the hard work and effort put forth to achieve your goals. Obtaining your goals grants you the rights of ownership of whatever set goal you have achieved.  

Believe You Can Achieve! 

Keep Reaching for Success! 


Fill in the blank:

In goal setting I worked hard to attain my set goal of 

____________________. In accomplishing that goal I will

obtain ____________________.

I am a Purpose Empowerment Coach who uses Christian values and the Word of God to Motivate and Inspire others. My new release is a two-year goal setter planner: Write,Work, Live the Vision. God is moving beyond just writing the plan, He wants his people to execute the plan. I've also, published a series of journals to help others fulfill all that God has for them. Follow me on Facebook or visit my website here.

Join my FREE 3-Day Purpose Challenge TODAY! Click here to SIGN UP!

"Pushing You to Purpose, One Goal at a Time!"

© 2016 by Mona Williams. All Rights Reserved.

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