Sunday, February 7, 2016

NEW RELEASE: Two-Year Goalsetter Planner

Goal Morning family and friends!

 I'm excited to share my NEW two-year Goalsetter Planner, Write, Work, Live the Vision, designed with YOU in mind. The year is still NEW, so get your goals and to-dos in order and make 2016 your BEST year ever! This is the YEAR OF STRETCHING. God is doing a NEW THING, GAME-CHANGERS are in effect.

To WRITE the Vision is to decree and established it on paper, to WORK the Vision  is to put forth time and effort producing what you've written, to LIVE the Vision is enjoy the fruits of all your hard work!

**Purchase Your Copy Today! Discounted on the website: Also, available on Amazon!

Goalsetters Go!
Mona Williams
Purpose Empowerment Coach

"Pushing you to Purpose One Goal at a Time!"

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