Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The P in PURPOSE = Perseverance! 

The Webster dictionary states: it is the quality that allows someone to 
continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. 

In pursuing PURPOSE challenges and setbacks will occur. In those times we are to push even harder to stay the path to PURPOSE. The gains in life sometimes comes through pain, but in those times we must PERSEVERE by hard work, determination, and resilience! 

Never give up! 

Don't look back! 


Difficulties are a part of life. The goal is to learn how to handle them in a productive manner, so that we are ever increasing even through hard times. Trials come to make us stronger.So PERSEVERE to your PURPOSE! 

What difficulties have you experienced this year? 

How have you decided to handle it? 

What's in your power to bring about the change that you need? 

What do you do with what you can't control in trying times?

I am a Purpose Empowerment Coach using Christian values to motivate and inspire others. My new release is a two-year goal setter planner, Write,Work, Live the Vision. God is moving beyond just writing the plan, He wants his people to execute the plan. I've also, published a series of journals to help others fulfill all that God has for them. Follow me on Facebook or visit my website here.

Her Motto: "Pushing People to Purpose, One Goal at a Time!"

© 2016 by Mona Williams. All Rights Reserved.

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