Wednesday, July 6, 2016

8 Excuses that Hinder Purpose

Excuses are defined in the Webster's dictionary as reasons that you give to explain politely why you cannot do something, why you have to leave, etc.

I've heard it said that an excuse is a "wrapped up lie".  Why are excuses made for things we simply do not want to do? The bible teaches to let our yes be yes and our no be no (Matthew 5:37). It goes on to say, whatever is said beyond the yes or no comes of evil. Meaning to add more could lead to speaking falsely or even making excuses. Let us move forward in purpose by not making excuses and doing what it takes to get the job done.

Here are 8 excuses that hinder purpose:
  1. Not having finances (Philippians 4:19 ...God shall supply all your needs)
  2. Resisting change (Isaiah 43:19 ...God wants to do a new thing, which means new changes)
  3. Fear of the Unknown (Joshua 1: ...Fear not)
  4. Fear of others opinions(Phil 3:13 ...being confident on this one thing)
  5. Fear of failure (2 Timothy 1:7 ...God has not given us the spirit of fear)
  6. Family obligations (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ...there's an appointed time)
  7. Faulty belief systems (Deuteronomy 28:6 are blessed coming in and going out)
  8. "This is just the way I am" (Genesis 1:27 ...we are created in God's likeness and image)
Get rid of the excuses by simply not making them. Hone in on what you are passionate about and work toward that. Know that It is your time to shine, so prepare to prosper in every area of your life. 

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"Pushing You to Purpose, One Goal at a Time!"

© 2016 by Mona Williams. All Rights Reserved.

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