Friday, August 26, 2016

A Listening Spirit

Hear defined in the Webster's dictionary: the act or power of taking in 
sound through the ear

This week's focus has been on having "A Listening Spirit". To have a listening spirit we must have our spiritual antennas up to receive good reception for when God is speaking. Proverbs 1:5, speaks of a wise man hearing and increasing in learning. Wise meaning having good judgement, gained knowledge and experience. 

Those who operate in wisdom will hear, will have a listening spirit. In order to hear we must be willing to submit our will to the obedience of God's Word. We must be teachable, correctable, and allow for good instructions. This is operating in wisdom, which will cause us to have a listening spirit.

Hearing is an act of submission!

Jesus said in John 10:4, " sheep (believers) know my voice". It is an inner hearing in our inner man (our heart) that God uses to speak to us. We must know His Word to hear clearly and correctly. Whatever we feel we are hearing should always line up with the Word of God.

As Christian believers we have the awesome privilege to not only talk to God, but here from him.You can here from God! God is always speaking!  Are you listening?

How to hear God speak: 
  1. Be open to hear with a listening spirit (1 Kings 19:12)
  2. Do no confuse your thoughts as God's voice (John 4:24)
  3. Believe you can hear from God (Romans 14:23)

"So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."
James 1:19 NKJV

Mona Williams
Christian Empowerment Coach

"Pushing You to Purpose, One Verse at a Time!"

© 2016 by Mona Williams. All Rights Reserved.

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