Mona Williams
Trust Him in the Silence
1. How do you worship God when things are not going right in your life?
2. What do you do when He seems far away?
The answer to these questions lies in your relationship with God. Day 11 focused on us making God our best friend, by spending time in the Word, spending time in prayer, and being obedient to His commands. This day was followed by Day 12 which discussed growing in that relationship, which leads us into today, Day 14, how to handle life when God seems distant.
I've been there before and even at times now where it seems my life is not producing what I feel it should or as I feel it should. Then I ask myself the question, is God the cause or is it something I'm not doing to get the desired results? Nine times out of ten the ball falls in my court. It is at those times I pray and ask God to help me be a better me.
When I feel like God is not coming to my rescue or that I've been dealt a situation I didn't deserve I begin to question God, and He reminds me of His love and faithfulness towards me. He reminds me of how He has brought me through in times past. During the silent times in my life I've learned to trust Him even when I can't trace Him. I've grown to know that's it's not about a feeling, but a knowing. Yes, I do have moments when I doubt or question God, but I'm brought back to reality that this is a FAITH walk, not a SIGHT walk. (Hebrews 11:1)
I've heard from others who felt that God had forgotten them in their suffering and how anger at God had set in, but after they came out of their situation God proved Himself in the suffering. The bible tells us He will never leave us, nor forsake us. It is in these times that God is building our faith. He is developing a deeper relationship with Him, but this is attained when we revert back to what His Word says. God is everywhere at the same time - Omnipresent. He knows everything - Omniscience. He has all power - Omnipotent. If we will just draw off of His spirit which resides in our hearts during times of feeling alone, we will gain inner strength that will get us through those trying times. That's why it is so important to not just give our life to Christ, but develop that intimate relationship with Him for times when we don't feel His presence. This happens when we set our hearts on the things of God. This happens when we truly DESIRE to let Him have His way in our life - SURRENDER!
Here are some ways Job dealt with feeling distant from God:
1. Tell God exactly how you feel. Cry out to Him in times of need. Know that He hears you and that He is just a prayer away. Know that He loves and longs for you to trust Him in the silence.
2. Focus on who God is (His unchanging nature). Hold to God's unchanging hand. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever more. V. Raymond Edman said, "Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light." Wow, what a statement!
3. Remember what God has already done for you. First of all if you're a born again believer, He has given us eternal life! He has accomplished that by giving us His ONLY begotten son, Jesus Christ, who paid the ULTIMATE price for our sins. Jesus did pay if ALL. Never forget the price that was paid for your salvation. Don't take it lightly! It was a great COST! Why? Because of God's unconditional LOVE for us that's why.
Remember even when God seems distant He is right there with open arms waiting to here from you. Trust Him even when you can't trace. Trust Him in the silence. Trust Him when the tears are falling and you don't understand. Trust Him when you've done your best for your children and they seem to be going in the wrong direction. Trust Him when your marriage seems to be on the brink of divorce. Trust Him when your bank account is on empty. Trust Him when the doctor have given you a bad report. Trust Him in your grief. Trust Him when have no place to live. Trust Him when your job is downsizing. Trust Him, Trust Him, Trust Him. He's there and He cares! God Bless!
Verse to Remember: "For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.'"
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