Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 28 - It Takes Time

Amani Jackson
Measuring Up

My walk with God is new each day I wake.  I look over my previous days or actions and sometimes I’m disappointed with myself while other times I am proud. That’s the journey-highs and lows, victories and upsets.  Yet, we must be more patient with ourselves. We forget, our goal is to be Christ-like in our ways and thinking but we can never be Christ.  It would benefit us to remove some of the pressure that we place upon ourselves to be perfect when perfection is, in actuality, an impossible goal to reach; therefore, a vain one to set.

I consider our mad dash for accomplishments in relation to our shortened life spans explained in the bible.  Where our far removed ancestors enjoyed hundreds of years in age on this earth, today’s inhabitants rarely breach one hundred.  There is so much to achieve and so much to see during our abbreviated physical existence that we set semi-unrealistic goals for ourselves and are devastated if the mark is missed.  Live outside of the box, believe in yourself and strive for greatness but accept your humanity.
In the moments when we find ourselves frustrated in the attempts to induce our spiritual growth, who are we truly trying to please? Ourselves or God? Who is determining that our current spiritual status is not on schedule or on course? Whose standards are we measuring ourselves against and aspiring to live up to? 

Another aspect that needs to be taken into account is that we will still err. The book mentions that some of us answer at God’s first knock while others make Him knock repeatedly. Still, there are those of us who have let Him in, then pushed Him out when His presence became an inconvenience, leaving Him to come knocking once more.   Sometimes we don’t hear Him knocking because our lives are so chaotic that we can only recognize the noise around us. Other times we are so deep in our mess that we are too discouraged or ashamed to turn back to Him.  Your progress will be affected by your decision to acknowledge Him and His plans for you.  Don’t let mistakes or life overwhelm you. He will always have a purpose and a plan for your life.  Your errors do not cancel out the power or love of your God. So, if you don’t feel like you are where you should be in your walk with God, stay alert to His voice and respond the first time.

Look at it another way. You go on your first date with someone and they profess an undying love for you at the end of the evening and propose.  You would be disturbed. There would be no way you would think this was genuineSome things just take time.  The same is true for spiritual growth and development. It is not genuine until you have been tested and around the block a few times with your new ‘man’ to be genuine with it. 
In the end, the only thing that matters, and the most important part of this piece, was the reminder of God’s promise. ‘He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.’ (Phil 1:6)  The next time you feel anxious about your purpose or rate of maturation, remember Moses, David and other greats in the Bible. God took His time pruning all of them for the mighty works He had them do. They all had struggles and had to get back on course.  God chose you as He chose them. You are in good company!

Verse to Remember: "God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again." Philippians 1:6 (NCV)

For more articles by Amani Jackson please visit her website at

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