Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 36 - You were Made for A Mission

Kim Casara
Made for a Mission

As I read this chapter and pondered it’s simple but difficult meaning I had to stop and pray that I have done something to reach one, as the book quoted “reach one more for Jesus”. I have asked many of my family members, friends, and co-workers to my church, but is this really my mission or just a mere invite to church. I then pondered that if they are watching how I live and they feel I myself do nothing different, and I attend church on a regular basis that it might not be that enticing for them to join me for church or even prayer. Proverbs 11:30 says “the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise”. Is praying for the non-righteous enough? Jesus knew at 12 years of age that he must be about his father’s business (Luke 2:49) at 12 my fellow Christians I am 44 years of age, and I ask myself and challenge the readers of my writings to challenge themselves to see if they have the knowledge Jesus had at 12. This was not a hard mission for Jesus neither should it be a hard mission for us. WE NEED TO BE ABOUT OUR FATHER'S BUSINESS. Twenty one years later He finished his Father’s business by dying on the cross to save us. At age 33 He completed his Father’s mission.  I feel I am a good person, I give to others, I help others, I am a good mother, but my mission is to save - to bring more lambs to our Father. 

My mission is to warn unbelievers, so that they may live and not die in their sin. So many of us go day to day helping those around us, thinking we did some great works, what I mean is that I am expected to be helpful to family and friends those who already love and care for me, My mission is to spread the word of God to make life changing decisions in my life to let God be in control of my life, for me “to let go and let God”. This task is not an easy one. I get filled with my own emotions when I am treated wrong by the ones I love and who are supposed to love me, but if I just let GOD steer my life, a lot of situations I got my flesh into I would not be in today. If I would have learned to listen to him first I would be a much better Christian. I am not perfect no one is I have made my share of wrong doings, I have spoken when I should have been silent, but now I know that If I was following  GOD'S mission in the first place I could have saved myself from: fornication, divorce, betrayal, depression, and even debt.  If I would have just finished what Jesus started, I could have saved myself, but it’s often said you have to go through the fire to have a testimony, In reading this chapter I don’t see where I ever had to enter into the fire, or give a devastating testimony of the bad situations I put myself in, if I had only just followed GOD’s mission If at age 12 I would have been about my Father’s business where would I be now at age 44? How much different would my life have be?

To all my readers, the only way to God is through his son Jesus, He is the only one who can save us. No one knows when GOD will return will you be ready? Lord God help us to reach one more for Jesus.  Simply your mission for us all is to be lambs of God and change the non-believers to believers to spread GODS word. Amen

Verse to Remember: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

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