Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 37 - Sharing Your Life Message

Karen Barnes
Your Life Matters

While reading this chapter, I feel compelled to share with you a VERY Big Secret...

You are God's Greatest Miracle.  He created us in His image and gave us the very life force we have - our souls.  Each one of us have a Divine Purpose for our lives and every experience... from the moment we take our first breath, to the moment we leave this Earth; we are given life experiences to "grow" through.

Each person we meet, each lesson we learn, each triumph we experience, each loss we feel... teaches us something through those experiences.  Now...  depending on how you choose to address each situation... is completely up to you.

You were born with free will.  You are free to choose every single detail of your life experiences and "create" the life you want to live.  This is your story.

With that being said; God is a loving and giving God.  Just as we want our children to discover true love, joy and peace in life; He is our Father and wants us to achieve the highest level of love, joy and peace, too!

Then... "life" happens.  We are thrown curve balls every day we live.  Situations we face alter our sense of peace.  Negative words, deeds and situations cause us to move from the sweet serenity and calm to the stormy seas.

We begin to doubt we "deserve" happiness which leads to thought processes that begin to create viruses in our original God-Given Operating System.

What happens to a computer when viruses infiltrate the OS?  The computer becomes unstable.  It loses power.  It does not operate efficiently.  Files become corrupt.  Output is then decreased.  If these issues are not "cleaned up" properly; there will come a time the computer is so infected; it is ultimately rendered useless.  Now it's a piece of hardware which doesn't possess the correct code to operate any longer and it ultimately... shuts down.

So... relate the "computer" to your body, the "OS" as your mindset and the "viruses" as painful words and experiences.  Because OUR computers are infected with viruses, the original OS we were born with, is now corrupt.  In order to revert back to our original perfectly designed OS, we must find those infected files and learn how to operate the "delete" button.

Every time someone from the outside (virus) tells you something negative about yourself?  Hit the "delete" button.  When someone hurts you and causes you pain; hit the "delete" button.  When someone tells you you're not good enough and not worthy of love?  Hit the "delete" button.  Viruses are designed by a "hacker" (satan) to cause nothing but havoc within your perfect operating system so why would you leave yourself unprotected, vulnerable and allow them in to cause the damage?

God gave you a mind which is very powerful.  What you think about and dwell on, becomes your reality.  Negative mindsets create nothing but negative outcomes but; positive mindsets create positive outcomes.

Stop dwelling on the negative things in life.  Choose instead, to focus on the positive.  See yourself as a wonderful person, with a strong mind and a beautiful heart.  You are a miracle.  You were created to be full of love, peace, joy, hope, faith, abundance and full of gratitude.  God Loves You!  You ARE His Greatest Miracle!  It's time you see yourself AS the Miracle you were created to be!  Once you fully accept who you are, and WHO'S you are... life as you know it will NEVER be the same again.

Verse to Remember: "Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15b-16 (TEV)

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