Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 38 - Becoming a World-Class Christian

Mona Williams
Be All You Can Be

This day starts by reminding us that our assignment as a Christian is the Great Commission and to be a world-class Christian we must not behave according to the world’s standards.

When we operate in worldly standards we look to please ourselves, in contrast operating as a world-class Christian we will focus on serving others. The Great Commission is spreading the good news of the Gospel, which is that Jesus saves.

Pastor Rick Warren gives us four points to take to heart from this day read below:

How To Think Like a World-Class Christians

1.    Shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking. This will only take place as we mature in our spiritual life. We have to make a paradigm shift of our thinking to accomplish this. Growing spiritually is an intentional act of the will. It is essential to fulfilling our purpose in becoming a world-class Christian.
2.    Shift from local thinking to global thinking. God is omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere at the same time – GLOBAL! In John 3:16, it says that God so loved the world… To help us think globally we can pray for other countries, stay abreast on the national news, go on a mission trip, or set a goal to do a mission project.
3.    Shift from “here and now” thinking to eternal thinking. By maintaining an eternal perspective we will make good use of our time on earth. This will help us “keep the main thing the main thing!” as my Pastor always teaches us.
4.    Shift from thinking of excuses to thinking of creative ways to fulfill your commission.  Here are some excuses mentioned by Pastor Warren:

·       “I only speak English.”
·       “I don’t have anything to offer.”
·       “I’m too old (or too young).”

"If you want to be like Jesus, you must have a heart for the whole world. You can't be satisfied with just your family and friends coming to Christ." Pastor Rick Warren

God has called all of us to be a world-class Christian. What’s standing in your way from fulfilling you mission on earth? What’s hindering you from being a world-class Christian?

Verse to Remember: “Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind.” Psalm 67:2 (LB)

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