Mona Williams
Balancing Act
Balance is such a vital part
of life’s existence. Without it we will not experience peace. Becoming rooted
and grounded in the word of God is the first step to many that will give us our
sure anchor in juggling our natural and spiritual life.
The author speaks of our life compared to a pentathlon and it’s five purposes that we need to keep in
balance. These purposes are:
1. “Love God with all our heart”: it is by our worship to God, which pleases
2. “Love your neighbor as yourself”: it is by serving
others, which is ministry.
3. “Go and make disciples”: our mission is to tell the
Good News of Jesus Christ which is evangelism.
4. “baptize them into…”: this outward act shows we identify
with Christ through fellowship.
5. “teach them to do all things…:” we are to grow
spiritually to become more life Christ, which is discipleship.
These five purposes is our
guide to keeping our life balanced as we travel this Christian journey. There
will be some bumps in the road, some detours, and sharp curves, but if we keep the faith and keep it moving our
life will experience one the key essentials to Christianity - BALANCE.
Make attending regular
fellowship service, weekly bible study, routine spiritual tune-ups, journaling,
and sharing the Word part of this process. As we operate in the five purposes our
lives will give God glory and people in our presence will not only witness that God is real and can change lives, but also they will be built up in their faith just from being in
our present.
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